Did you know that there’s an entire album of the original concept art for Dizzywood on Flickr? Yes, all of the initial sketches for the design of the world were produced by the incredibly talented artist, Jake Parker. Jake went on to do some amazing things in illustration and animation, including work on the well-known animated movies Ice Age 3 and Rio. Actually, we’re kind of thrilled that he still features all his Dizzywood work on his portfolio page. Check out the Environments section to see some of the early sketches for the lands that eventually showed up in the game, such as the Explorer’s Camp and Canal City. You’ll even see some amazing things that never quite made it into the game, including an incredible car-racing track.
Here are some of our favorite pieces of the original concept art sketches for Dizzywood.
Bring back Dizzywood it’s better than all the other virtual worlds
what ever happened to Dizzywood anyway no one has ever told me i really wanted to sign up though!?
I think you should uploads the whole explorer’s journal back on here
Please post more about dizzywood coming back in some way, shape or form! 🙂
Yes, that’s brilliant! 😀
I love looking at concept art!
Dizzywood is what inspired me to start drawing, and now I am planning on going to college for art! Thank you,Dizzywood.
Ah, this is amazing. I love the art. It just has that… that ‘Dizzywoodish’ feel that brings the memories rushing back.
Dizzywood shall always serve as inspiration to me.
I hope to go into illustration myself, or become an art teacher so that I can inspire others. 🙂
I encouage you! I’m also trying to improve on my drawings and sketches.
Such beautiful artwork, looking at the concept art is really inspiring 🙂
I agree with another comment I saw somewhere that said : “I would buy a membership if you brought DW back for paying users only…”
I don’t understand why DW closed and doesn’t seem to be coming back, but I really miss it and am at least glad I got to play it when it was around.
I believe it was because they ran out of money.