Happy New Year, Dizzywood fans! It’s wonderful to know that even though the original Dizzywood game has been shut down for several years, so many people keep returning to this web site each day to check in and see if there’s any news about the game. It’s amazing to think that the first planning for Dizzywood began just over eight years ago!
Over the years there have been many rumors about the return of Dizzywood, and while the virtual world we all knew and loved is gone for good, some of us are still kicking around ideas behind the scenes to see if Dizzywood might return in some way, shape or form (hint: think iPad!) There’s no real news yet: just some ideas. Perhaps 2014 will be the year! In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled on this blog for a great trip down memory lane as we celebrate the Dizzywood of the past while we dream of the possibilities for the future.

Dream that Dizzywood will come back
Think iPad? Is that it? That’s the new DW?! NOOOO!
Yeah cause we’re all gonna buy ipads just for Dizzywood :/
If its gonna be an app, can you make one for every mobile device, such as a tablet.. or an iPhone?
If its gonna be an app, can you make one for every mobile device, such as a tablet.. or an iPhone? Please..?
I’ve actually lot all hope for dw- it says Dw is gone. For good 🙁
🙁 nothing will compare to dw. nothing. every “world” online is horrible compared to the dizzywood i used to play for hours every day. i wish there was some way to make the website come back, even for just a day. what you guys made was amazing.
dude it’s the 27th of july 2015 and I still agree with you. I miss this game so much. There’s just something about the sounds of the game and its atmostphere that will never be able to be matched by any other game out there.
wow man. reading about this really made me sad. i seriously loved dizzywood. i stayed on it almost 24/7. the fact that it isn`t coming back no matter how many times we beg, even if it has been shut down for years, it really disappoints me. i still miss dizzywood and absolutely no online virtual world will ever compare. #bringdizzywoodback2k16
2018 and the game still isn’t back yet 🙁
Just that one boring app…?
Trust me, I saw the thing. If that’s the only way all of our childhoods will live on… it’s disappointing, to say the least.
I know it’s not hard to revive a site from the dead, but… still…
It’s not that app, that app was released in 2012, this article was made in 2014. Get the facts.
Hi. I played Dizzywood from 2007 until 2010 (I was 6 when it came out) amd honestly, it was the best game ever. When it shut down, my childhood shut down too. I tried Secretbuilders but it was just so stupid, and Dizzywood was 10000000x better. I am 13 now and I dream that maybe one day Dizzywood will come back up, I would still play it. All the powers, quests, and more were so fun! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BRING DIZZYWOOD BACK RATHER THAN THIS STUPID SECRETBUILDERS.
Oh my goodness, I dug up an old harddrive and it had hundreds of screenshots of Dizzywood in all of its stages. It was so bittersweet!
I loved Scooter! I remember when the headwear feature was first introduced he walked around with me, bftuna, and ellegy, and he led us astray on that first quest to find the first hat. We kept guessing the hints correctly but he’d make us second guess ourselves.
Also, Xiomora and Cecy would always come out to play when we called their names, and that is a happy memory. 🙂
Dizzywood was my childhood. Seriously. My FREAKING CHILDHOOD. I was __maylin__ btw. Some of the bestest friends I’ve ever made in my entire life were on that game. It’s sad now to think that I will never ever talk to them again. Most of us are all way too old to even get on these kinds of games anymore… Even if DW did come back. I’m 17 now, and I played Dizzywood at the age of 11 from 2008-2010. I know it might sound weird and some people might be like “Oh get over it, it was a dumb virtual game” but Dizzywood was just as much a part of my childhood as Harry Potter was. I’d at least like to know how everyone’s doing now. So if you were 02Teva, Wiseoneknows (01Wise4Life), 01Akx4Life, Crystal__Sparks, Coo_dude3823, Dippy_dots, Nicedemi, crazymay, UFfrisbeemaster, Lacreamosa, Superboy15, Aby24, or Thunderelement (which I strongly doubt any of you will EVER see this *rolls eyes*) contact me on my Youtube channel: http://m.youtube.com/channel/UC8l2aNnJGUuHXlTrbXlJtYA
ok, please PLEASE bring dizzywood back. it was my childhood, and i could literally play it for hours. i remember the gardens the best, i loved gardening on that website probably more than doing anything else, even cross-stitching. i was 7 or 8, now I’m 12 but i am STILL wrecked about it. not just any game can do that to a person. it was so fun, like mmph. please, if you do make an app or some’n, make it good. i tried sooo many virtual worlds to get over it but they all go stale over a span of a couple days. i played dizzywood for YEARS. please, please bring my childhood back. it wasn’t a stupid kids game, or like ANY other free virtual world out there at all!! i loved it so much and nothing can compare to it. i understand if it takes awhile to make the app, but please hurry.
The fact the ipad game has been taking out of the store really just erks me a little. -.-
Dizzywood is honestly the best game online. I just wish it would come back..im honestly so bored with out it!
please bring it back, you guys dont understand how wonderful and fun this game was 🙁
Hey everyone. I’m not sure why I felt compelled to google Dizzywood again, but I did and I found this. Although I did play the game years ago, I honestly do miss it. I met some of the best people on Dizzywood and I still remember all their names. I’m not sure if I would play Dizzywood a lot if it came back, but I should definitely get on it just to refresh some old memories. By the way, if you don’t believe this is the real superboy15, then feel free to ask me anything!
I miss Dizzywood so much. I remember the very first time I joined and took my first steps into the greatest game ever. Even though I’ve grown from 6 to 14, I still look and wait for the 4 words that will make my life happy: “Dizzywood is coming back.” Me and my friend who also played Dizzywood were looking through my dino-age computer, and found hundreds of pictures, Notepad entries, even videos of Dizzywood! Presto, everyone from DW, bring it back! If you need funding, I guarantee at least half of your loyal Dizzys would get membership just to keep you up. Publicity? Ha! The second we get back in, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and word-of-mouth will spread like a wildfire! Secretbuilders is mocking us. The “True Builders” mock us Dizzys for “Tainting” their game with our love for you. They say that we are welcome, but the only thing that even faintly resembles you is a poster and a teeny-tiny area with a well, an old pole, and they use your name for a line of dresses! Please come back! Don’t think we forgot! Just Google “Dizzywood revival” or “Help bring Dizzywood back” for proof.
We miss you, Dizzywood.
what the hell :'( why are you doing this to me
I miss Dizzy Wood so much!!! It would be awesome if you were able to bring it back!
Seriously pls do it was my childhood.
I love it ????
Bring dizzywood back ;-;