Did you know that there was an unreleased map of Dizzywood that showed far more about the known worlds than was ever revealed in the game?
The official in-game map was really quite small by comparison, encompassing only a handful of areas that were accessible, like Presto’s Grove, Presto’s Edge, Tanglevine Jungle and Canal City.
The original map, sketched by the incredibly talented Jake Parker and inked by the considerably less talented Scott Arpajian, shows many amazing places in Dizzywood that never quite made it into the game. This map was never published, and as far as we know, this is the very first time anyone outside of the Dizzywood creators has seen it!
In fact, the only place the map ever existed before was on a conference room table in the offices of Rocket Paper Scissors, the creators of Dizzywood.
Take a close look. What can you imagine happening in some of these lesser-known lands of Dizzywood?

Cool! I love the octopus at the top, this must have taken FOREVER to draw. I can imagine having a lot of fun in those lands 🙂
Wish the original dizzywood was here 🙁 i was a member since 2007..is htere any chance?
That map looks like it is filled with quests.
I do in fact love quests anyway.
I think its filled with battle and Greek Mythology and fantasy ‘-‘
It looks amazing ~
That’s awesome. I’d really like to explore those lands, if given the opportunity. So much unfulfilled adventures that lies ahead. 🙂
i really miss the dizzywood please re open this virtual world.
My heart aches that these ideas never came to fruition. I love Dizzywood even now.
I imagine quests and monsters and friendly spirits through every area of this map. It’s wonderful.
So amazing, I’d love to do those quests! QUESTS WERE AWESOME!
Best virtual world ever: Dizzywood
I bet if it got published again it’d earn a lot of money!
Is that SPACE! Amazing! One of the best things I liked about Dizzywood was the way you got around, the walking motions were very smooth and smart of you. Tug on the arrow to go faster, pull the arrow towards you to go slower. Spin the arrow to spin around. I thought that was very unique and a lot of virtual worlds lacked that charm for your character, because just that little detail I felt gave the game lots of personality.
I adore seeing these posts tbh~
Ima cry I miss dizzywood soo much! If your reading this peeps from rocket paper scissors, I just want you to know that these were probably the best times in my life and the friends I made were amazing. Miraculously a lot of us who were friends still stuck together after DW shut down. And there’s one very important think we all have in common. We all want this game back! We miss it so much! I wish it could just come back and literally everyone I know from DW has cried at least once, since our favorite game was taken down. You wouldn’t believe the amount that us dizzywoodees talk about dizzywood still to this day! It’s a big part of who we are! I do believe that if you brought it back, it would be a smash hit! I can almost guarantee it would be a hit! Once dizzywooders got news of it comming back we would freak out and join and get all of our friends to join and spend countless hours loving that game! We really do miss it and can’t quite explain it with words, the dizzywood community as a whole will never forget, and we have a special place in our hearts for dizzywood. We just hope that one day, we could finally join our friends and meet in Prestos Grove on Whirly (my favorite server) and just be happy again.
Those Greek look alike buildings look like the emperor lived there! Suppose you made a came of dizzywood, but ancient dizzywood?
Um guys, look, if you click in the words in the blue it really takes you to want-to-see places.
Artist Jake Parker: http://mrjakeparker.com
Their very creative conference table: http://www.becausewecan.org/glass_top_conference_table_with_custom_insert
The old maps of dizzywood we have known…. And how to get them: http://dizzywood.wikia.com/wiki/Map_of_Dizzywood
Wow, thank you for the links ^_^ When I was checking the websites I came across this page: http://mrjakeparker.com/dizzywood
The art gives a whole new meaning to Dizzywood, I feel like going there like RIGHT. NOW. 🙂
C’mon why are you doing this? This only makes me sad because Dizzywood only exists in our memories now 🙁 i wish it would come back one day…
Waiting on dizzywood and the sims 4 like:
I’m still waiting on Dizzywood as well 🙁
I wish we could somehow help rebuild DIZZYWOOD, because it still lives on in our hearts.
This map looks amazing! You can see so much POTENTIAL. I loved seeing updates in the game, and missed all the events. I miss winter festival. I still remember color war, haha.
dizzywood was the best game. ever.
Oh My Goodness, It’s been three years and I’m still checking to see if the site is coming back! YOU GUYS HAVE DEDICATED MEMBERS, I myself and my sister joined in 2007 and was hooked. Dizzywood was THE best online game and STILL is. No other game can top Dizzywood. The graphics, detail, and adventures were just remarkable. I tried playing secretbuilders..or whatever it’s called..but it just lacked so many things that you guys had. Why did you guys even close? Closing out 3 million people! That’s not fair. Come back! Oh… and cool map 😀
Aww I miss Dizzywood… it’s been over 6 years since I first played. Cool map, I liked Dizzywood before the major changes to Presto’s Grove and Presto’s Edge.
Ahh This game was the best!! My favorite virtual world of them all.. hopefully it comes back sometime soon
Dizzywood is not coming back… Sb replaced it. I started playing 2008. Now i’m 18 years old. 😀 But still.. I remember this site like I remember and old friend! Guys try not to think of it or visit here too often but doesn’t mean you couldn’t remember it sometimes. I loved playing dw but I think I am now too old for this… They should just report us straight that this game is over. (Sorry about my terrible English)
I’m sorry to be negative Nancy here but I have waited dizzywood’s return as much as you dizzies since it ended. Have to face the truth even if I know I’m going to check this site at least once in a month… Take care! =)
Bring DW back or some other website that is not as bad as SB.
Looks amazing! Wish we had a chance to explore all that, Dizzywood was amazing.
Expanding on my comment a little.
Dizzywood was my escape. My place where I could hang out with friends and explore and just be free. I miss it like heck. I guess I’m considered ‘too old’ now but since 2008, I had loved this game and I always will.
If I ever had the chance to log in as Windsong once more, I’d take it. I tried to get into SB but it wasn’t as enjoyable. It didn’t captivate me like DW did. If DW ever came back, I’d play, irregardless of age.
It’s not like Secretbuilders was made for Dizzywood anyway.
Only a small part is considered Dizzywood and it’s not like a lot of people go there.
Dizzywood might need to remove this site if they don’t consider bringing the site back. J/S
“Hoping they can bring it back” ;$
I still miss all my super old friends. ;__; If you have facebook, message me on my roleplay facebook. My name is Meagie Masakr and it’d be lovely to get in touch with you again. :/
Hallo, long time DWer here. I think the site closed because of funding problems. If you guys remember, not alot of people were Silver and Gold explorers back then, about 12% of the population were members. Dizzywood is known for making the “Ad Free Kid Game” thing popular. Maybe, if we find a way to raise funds, they could bring it back!
I’m up for anything if you have a plan!
Wow… I haven’t even typed in the word Dizzywood for a couple of years. I’ve tried new online gaming sites, but I always yearn for DizzyWood. So today, as I was more nostalgic than usual, I type in DizzyWood.com and I was shocked that you guys were still posting! I think it’s amazing that you’re trying to keep in touch with all us Dizzies. I hope that one day, eventually, DizzyWood will be once more. Maybe. Just maybe.
idk if anyone remembers me but I’d really like the chance to meet up with some old friends if possible or somehow get dizzyworld back…
It would actually be a profitable venture to bring this game back now that 90% of the users are probably old enough (14+) to either pay for this game with a job or their parents may be doing better financially so that they can pay. A friend payed for my gold membership for me when I had it but now I’m old enough to pay for my own. I think it was like 36.99 a year for silver and 40 for gold? That’s less than A Netflix account for a year. The original creators should try to run some ads for a kickstarter or something.. run some old game videos to rally some popularity & talk about it. You’d at least make enough to do a “throwback” week or day where you bring the servers back up for one last play. Or you could just let the money pile up (if you sold the rights to SecretBuilders) while finding a way to possibly buy it back. Dizzywood would appeal to so many kids, there is a whole new generation of children (a lot of ex-dizzywood players and their friends probably have siblings who would love it!) & the teens who used to get on it everyday would love it and at least half will most likely come back and be willing to pay! People still buy vinyl, pay $100s for art that costs like $50 to make, so why wouldn’t users still wanna play dizzywood?
hi fam miss u all
if anyone remembers me or was friends with me, add me on fb 🙂 Raquel Lipovetsky
I miss it too much
hoping this site can still make it in the years that will probably come. Im just hoping it comes back at least within 3 years x.x
I miss the ole Dizzywood SO much! It was one of my all-time favorite things.
So I check this site every month to make sure the beloved Dizzywood hasn’t returned. I realized that i would actually do ANYTHING to get Dizzywood back. So what do you need? Is it money? Just name it and i’ll get it for you. Get back to me and let me know what I can do.
I believe I was one of the reasons dizzywood closed. I remember hacking it with packet editing. Had moderator tools & clothes & infinite gold & such. GOOD TIMES. Would give it all up to have the old community back though. Im grown now so. Miss my old home. with my bears & staircase & such.
It’s 2016 and I’m still hoping for the return of Dizzywood. It will forever be one of my all time favourite games. If it ever comes back, I’ll be waiting to join up!
It’s 2017 and I am now 20 years old guys. I can still remember playing dizzy wood like it was yesterday, all the fun times we all had. I used to especially love watching the little “movies” a lot of the users would make. It was truly the best virtual gaming experience ever, and such a place to make new friends and grow as a person.
Just coming back here (again!) in the hopes that one day the site will be back up. I adored this game, I try playing secretbuilders which is enjoyable enough but just not the same, I dont see much in the way of integrating DW into it. However even SB seems to have been abandoned, the latest news articles on it are from 2015! And I had a couple of years break from it and one of the same ‘coming soon’ signs is still up! I really wish dizzywood could come back in all its glory, it was so refreshingly different from all the other virtual world games. I have tried, but I can’t find anything that comes close!